Tweede editie – Rondetafel: Wat is de juiste aanpak voor CSRD-data en software?

Workshop: CSRD en de waardeketen

CSRD-rapportage gaat verder dan alleen de eigen operaties. Ook de acties van jouw leveranciers en klanten gaan een belangrijke rol spelen in de duurzaamheidsrapportage. Hoe ga je hiermee om? Deze vraag vormt de basis tijdens de workshop op 27 augustus.

Navigating the Nexus: CSDDD and CSRD Alignment Unveiled

The die is cast: The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), also known as CS3D, has been adopted by the European Union on 15 March. But what does this mean for your corporation, and how does it relate to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)?


The Corporate Social Reporting Directive, also known as the CSRD, is a European reporting legislation that demands organizations to report about their sustainability policy and practices. By introducing mandatory guidelines … read more


In the news: CSRD in effect

Over the last few weeks, it’s been hard to miss the buzz around the anticipated acceptance of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). On November 10th, the European Parliament has approved the proposed directive (with 85% of the Parliament in favor!), which will become effective as of for the first group of corporations in the beginning of next year at the latest. With the acceptance of the Directive, the sustainability reporting standards have seen updates as well.

Deep dive on CSRD and EU Taxonomy

Following up on a successful session during the Future of Corporate Reporting about EU regulation and sustainability reporting frameworks, Intire hosted another webinar specifically about the CSRD and the EU Taxonomy, in collaboration with Reinoud Clemens of DSM.


What is CSRD?

As of the reporting year 2023, all large or listed companies within the EU will have to report according to the new CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). This directive is … read more

Navigating ESRS Sector Standards

With the first set of ESRS standards out, we are looking at the next steps in the regulatory development of the CSRD. The ESRS sector standards are being developed as we speak. With another set of reporting standards coming your way, you might want to know more about what it entails for your organization. Intire looked into the details and what these new requirements mean for organizations in different sectors.