Romee Van der Sande

The Omnibus Series – Recalibrating the CSRD 

The European Commission’s new Omnibus proposal could delay CSRD reporting obligations by two years and raise the employee threshold to 1,000—drastically changing who needs to report and when. In this 3-part blog series, we break down what’s changing, what it means for your business, and how you can turn uncertainty into opportunity.

Online strategiesessie Omnibus

Je hebt waarschijnlijk al van genoeg partijen gehoord wat er verandert met de komst van de Omnibus. Maar de echte vraag is: hoe ga je hier strategisch mee om? Wat betekent deze wijziging voor jouw werk, je organisatie en de duurzaamheidsdoelen die je hebt gesteld?

Financial Materiality in Sustainability Reporting

You might have heard about financial materiality before. Perhaps you have even chatted to colleagues from the finance or sustainability department about it. But did you know they might not be talking about the same concept? Read this blog to find out more about the differences and similarities of financial materiality in sustainability and finance.

Non-Financial Reporting for Financials – 2023

This fall, we held our knowledge-sharing and in-person event “Non-Financial Reporting for Financials” at the most sustainable location of Central Netherlands: KAS.

We brought you up to speed on the most important information for financials in the field of sustainability/ESG reporting and management. Our speakers gave insights with real life example and new insights.

double materiality

How to start with sustainability reporting: double materiality

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), is a widely known buzzword and new EU law that requires large companies and certain public-interest entities to disclose information on their ESG impacts in their annual financial reports. This new and demanding regulation drives companies in their sustainability reporting journey. A well-known starting point for (sustainability) reporting is the materiality assessment. The CSRD introduces a new dimension to this assessment: double materiality.


In the news: CSRD in effect

Over the last few weeks, it’s been hard to miss the buzz around the anticipated acceptance of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). On November 10th, the European Parliament has approved the proposed directive (with 85% of the Parliament in favor!), which will become effective as of for the first group of corporations in the beginning of next year at the latest. With the acceptance of the Directive, the sustainability reporting standards have seen updates as well.

Non-Financial Reporting for Financials – 2022

This fall, we held our knowledge-sharing and in-person event “Non-Financial Reporting for Financials” at the most sustainable location of Central Netherlands: KAS.

We brought you up to speed on the most important information for financials in the field of sustainability/ESG reporting and management. Our speakers gave insights with real life example and new insights.

Deep dive on CSRD and EU Taxonomy

Following up on a successful session during the Future of Corporate Reporting about EU regulation and sustainability reporting frameworks, Intire hosted another webinar specifically about the CSRD and the EU Taxonomy, in collaboration with Reinoud Clemens of DSM.