How to start with sustainability reporting: Webinar

Value Creation model

How to start with sustainability reporting: Value Creation Model

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is impacting companies in a significant way. As reporting organizations are working to assess the impact of the Directive, we receive an increased number of questions on where to start the journey to become CSRD-compliant. CSRD requires large companies and certain public-interest entities to disclose information on their ESG impacts in their annual reports. 

double materiality

How to start with sustainability reporting: double materiality

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), is a widely known buzzword and new EU law that requires large companies and certain public-interest entities to disclose information on their ESG impacts in their annual financial reports. This new and demanding regulation drives companies in their sustainability reporting journey. A well-known starting point for (sustainability) reporting is the materiality assessment. The CSRD introduces a new dimension to this assessment: double materiality.

Financial Materiality in Sustainability Reporting

You might have heard about financial materiality before. Perhaps you have even chatted to colleagues from the finance or sustainability department about it. But did you know they might not be talking about the same concept? Read this blog to find out more about the differences and similarities of financial materiality in sustainability and finance.

Science based targets blog intire

What are Science Based Targets and how can they strengthen your sustainability strategy?

The CSRD provides guidelines on how to report, but what happens after? How can you use the collected data to set a strategy? How can you set ambitious goals? One framework that can help is to define Science Based Targets (SBTs). This blog explores the critical role of SBTs and their integration with the CSRD, highlighting the benefits they offer in driving corporate responsibility and ensuring a sustainable future.

Understanding the Differences Between Reporting Scope 1 & 2, and Scope 3 Emissions

With the CSRD’s sector-specific reporting standards (ESRS) coming in 2026, companies must report all GHG emissions, including often-overlooked Scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 covers indirect emissions in your value chain, which can account for up to 80% of total emissions, making data collection and analysis complex. Accurate Scope 3 reporting is crucial for compliance and climate change mitigation. Contact us for expert assistance in navigating this intricate process.

Goal-oriented preparation for CSRD at Achieves CSRD Compliance with Intire’s Coaching is leading the way in CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) compliance using Intire’s pragmatic coaching approach. This method helped them perform a double materiality analysis, prepare required reports, and initiate necessary actions. With a focus on sustainable products, operations, and social engagement, is committed to sustainability and future market demands.