
The Future of Corporate Reporting – 2025

Op donderdag 20 maart 2025 vindt de 12de editie van the Future of Corporate Reporting plaats. Al meer dan een decennium lang hét evenement voor de finance, sustainability en corporate reporting professional die voorbereid wil zijn op de toekomst van dit vakgebied. Het thema van dit jaar: Safeguarding Consistency. Ben je er ook bij?

Roundtable – CSRD, Data, & Software (October 2024)

One of the biggest challenges in complying with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is collecting the right data.

Following the success of our previous sessions, we are excited to host the third edition of our Round Table on CSRD, Data & Software.

Round Table – CSRD, Data, & Software (July 2024)

Our recent roundtable on 11th July 2024 brought together sustainability, finance, and IT professionals to discuss the complexities of CSRD compliance, focusing on effective data collection and software use. Key insights included the need for tailored solutions and the importance of sharing knowledge to ease the transition to sustainable reporting.

Round Table – CSRD, Data, & Software (May 2024)

On May 23rd of 2024, Intire hosted a round table about CSRD, data, and software: what is the right approach around CSRD data collection, and how do you go about deploying software for these challenges? We discussed such questions with a group of 12 financial and sustainability professionals who are involved directly in their organisation’s CSRD implementation.

The Future of Corporate Reporting 2024

Al meer dan een decennium lang hét evenement voor de finance, sustainability en corporate reporting professional die voorbereid wil zijn voor de toekomst van dit vakgebied. Het thema van dit jaar? High Tech of High Touch. Ben jij er ook bij?

Non-Financial Reporting for Financials – 2023

This fall, we held our knowledge-sharing and in-person event “Non-Financial Reporting for Financials” at the most sustainable location of Central Netherlands: KAS.

We brought you up to speed on the most important information for financials in the field of sustainability/ESG reporting and management. Our speakers gave insights with real life example and new insights.

Executive Education Program: ‘ESG Audit Ready’

Sustainability reporting, a must for many organisations and soon, even an obligation in Europe. To understand sustainability standards is one thing, but to prepare for a limited or reasonable assurance audit is another. The effort of preparing for such audits will be much more productive and less exhaustive for your organization when you understand the minimum requirements an auditor has in order to issue an audit opinion on a sustainability report.